Resources and Collections

The Explor Wendel Park carries out heritage missions through its museums, the Wendel Miners Museum, which is labelled “Musée de France” and the Wendel Mine. They aim to conserve and highlight collections, publications and temporary exhibitions.

Lampisterie- Lampes à flamme utilisées par les mineurs
Pupitre de commande de machine d'extraction


The Wendel Miners Museum was awarded the “Musée de France” label in 2002. It is subject to scientific and technical control by the State. The collections of the Wendel Miners Museum, featuring nearly 2,000 objects and machines, were built up mainly thanks to donations of equipment by the coal mines of the Lorraine basin, which exploited Lorraine coal between 1946 and 2004. They fall into four well-represented categories: technical, geological, underground and above ground transport, and ethnographic collections. A part of these collections is on show in The Wendel Miners Museum and in the Wendel Mine. Another part of the collections is stored by the museum.



The Wendel Miners Museum publishes its “Énergie Charbon” magasine every six months.

It is on sale at the museum shop. You can also subscribe to it on request at the museum. The magasine will then be sent to you by post.

Exposition "Les jardins des mineurs de charbon"
Exposition "Les jardins des mineurs de charbon"
Exposition "Les jardins des mineurs de charbon"
Exposition "Les jardins des mineurs de charbon"
Exposition "Femmes de mineurs, femmes à la mine" dans le bassin houiller lorrain
Exposition "Femmes de mineurs, femmes à la mine" dans le bassin houiller lorrain
Pupitre de commande de machine d'extraction


The museum provides associations, local authorities, companies, etc. with access to the temporary exhibitions it has created.

“Miners’ wives, women at the mine”

“The Coal Miners’ Gardens”

“March 15, 1907. The disaster of the Vuillemin mine”

They are made up of suspended panels.

If you are interested, please contact the museum. Practical terms and conditions available on request.